Wednesday, July 28, 2010



WOW is all that can say this morning. Last night was wow! So let me set up how it felt. I went to bed around 2:30ish and I starting playing the BrickHouse Podcast by Pastor Tim Ross (AWESOME MAN OF GOD.) So I was listening and I have been listening to all the old ones I have missed. Well I was over taken with emotion and joy. So I turned off my iPod and just laid in bed and prayed. I tend to pray for a while, that’s just me. So I was praying and I had prayed for my family and friends and the world... But then it came to me. And it was like "Brittany, you need to stop saying things and start living them." And from that... OMG it was a wrap. I couldn’t do nothing but cry and thank God. Everything came out of me and I wanted to blog but all I had was my phone... So I tweeted everything. I was like Lord his is nobody but you cause I really don't remember what I was writing. But when God gets real to you... I know that it is a powerful thing. I know that I should have been dead 12 years ago during my bus accident. I should not have done some of the things that I have done. I should not have told the lies that I have told... BUT NO MATTER WHAT GOD LOVES ME AND FORGIVES ME AND ITS TIME FOR ME TO FORGIVE MYSELF. We live in a world where we tend to worry too much about what other people think.. but it's time to worry about our relationship with Jesus. I continue to think about the fact tomorrow is not promise the time is now. We put off so much stuff till tomorrow that we don't need to put off. God is REAL!

Then I thought about relationships. I have the fear that I won’t get married, and now that fear is gone. I have left it in God's hand and I know that he will bring it to past in HIS TIMING. That is one thing that I have been inpatient about. It's like you see your friends getting married and being in relationship and you want to be there. But I, Brittany Figaro, will get mine when God says its time. We go through guys saying he is not right and this is not what I want and we settle. Settling is not an option. I want a relationship that last FOREVER till death do us part and we stay in love like when we first fall in love. I'm going to get mine and God will prepare me for my husband.

And all too often, I hear that I'm intimidating when it comes to relationships. But my walk with Christ is first and for most in anything. I need a Christian man who is not afraid to praise God and not afraid to cry because he know that God is good. It makes me feel all gooshie inside when I see a Man that gets his praise on. But yea.

That's just a snapshot of my heart this morning.

I'm still just filled with joy and happiness.

And I'm going to keep that!


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